Comfortable. Resilient. Sustainable.
Most people spend the majority of their lives inside buildings. Imagine a world where all buildings are healing, comfortable and have a positive environmental impact.
JMV Consulting supports clients, architects and engineers to turn these visions into reality.
Occupant comfort is at the heart of all our work. User control, Operable Windows, Radiant Heating and Cooling, External Shading are just a few of the strategies that we explore with you.
The world is changing. Buildings need to be prepared for a changing climate, natural disasters and other unpredictable events. Designing for resilience, goes hand in hand with comfort and sustainability.
Setting goals and navigating the process of creating low energy, highly sustainable buildings is what we do. We’ll help you turn the vision into reality.
Ken Soble Tower receives EnerPHit Certification achieving largest residential project in the world to achieve this certification. The project has received many other awards and continues to be recognized internationally.
Angle of Repose Cottage Featured in AZURE. Passive House is beautiful, comfortable and functional!
Honoured to be part of the team recognized by the CAGBC as an Inspired Educator. Congratulations to the whole team at the BCIT Zero Energy Building Lab who make high performance building construction straightforward, accessible and fun.
Ken Soble Tower completes successful blower door test